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Graduate Centre for International Research in Childhood: Literature, Culture, Media
The world-famous MA, run by CIRCL, is the oldest accredited degree in the field in Britain, and is taught by specialists in Children’s Literature, whose research is published internationally.
Dr Sue Walsh, BA (UEA), MA (Sussex), PGCE (Leeds), PhD (Reading)
Sue completed her PhD on children’s literature (her thesis was on: ‘Untheming the Theme: The Child in Wolf’s Clothing’) at Reading. Sue already taught on the MA as a post-graduate student, and was appointed to a full-time lectureship in the Department from October 2002. Sue teaches extensively on the M(Res.) in Children’s Literature, as well as more widely in general in the Department. Her research interests are in the areas of critical theory, philosophy, and cultural studies, particularly with regards to ideas of childhood and writings on animal liberation.
Sue’s publications in the field include
Sue Walsh, Kipling’s Children’s Literature: Language, Identity and Constructions of Childhood (Ashgate, 2010)
Chapters and articles
Article: ‘Animal/ Child: It’s the “Real” Thing’ in: Karin Lesnik-Oberstein (ed.), Yearbook of English Studies on ‘Children in Literature’, vol. 32, 2002.
Article: ‘”Irony? – But children don’t get it do they?” The Idea of Appropriate Language for the Child in the Criticism of Kipling’s Children’s Literature’ , in Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, for the special issue on ‘Narrative Theories and Practices in Children’s and Young Adult Literature’, Spring 2003.
Chapter: ‘Effigies of Effie’ in Karin Lesnik-Oberstein (ed.), Children’s Literature: New Approaches, Palgrave, 2004.
Chapter: ‘Bikini Fur and Fur Bikinis’ in Karin Lesnik-Oberstein (ed.), The Last Taboo: Women and Body Hair, Manchester University Press, 2006.
Chapter: ‘Gothic Children’, The Routledge Companion to Gothic, (eds.) Catherine Spooner and Emma McEvoy, Routledge: London, 2007, pp. 183-191.
Chapter: ‘Reading the Child and Translating the Animal in Rudyard Kipling’s Mowgli Stories’ in: Rimi B. Chatterjee and Nilanjana Gupta (eds.), Reading Children: Essays on Children’s Literature (Orient Black Swan: New Delhi, 2009), pp. 18-39.
Chapter: ‘Irony and the Child’ in Karin Lesnik-Oberstein (ed.), Children in Culture, Revisited: Further Approaches to Childhood, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 126-47.
Article: ‘The Child in Wolf’s Clothing: The Meanings of the “Wolf” and Questions of Identity in Jack London’s White Fang‘, European Journal of American Culture, 32:1, 2013, 55-77.
Article: ‘Nature faking and the problem of the “real”‘, ISLE: Interdisciplinary studies in Literature and Environment, 22 (1), 2013, pp. 132-153. ISSN 1076-0962 doi: 10.1093/isle/ist032
Article: ‘Gender and irony: children’s literature and its criticism’, Asian Women, 32 (2), 2016, pp. 91-110. ISSN 1225-925X doi: 10.14431/aw.2016.
Sue convenes and teaches on the Global Children’s Literatures in English module. She also contributes to the MA’s Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Children’s Literature module.
In 2013, Sue was awarded an University Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning.
E-mail address: s.a.b.walsh@reading.ac.uk